Vegan Cauliflower Cheese Cashew

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Are you prepared to go on a delectable and humanitarian culinary adventure? You only need to refer to this detailed recipe to make delicious cashew-based vegan cauliflower cheese! This recipe will impress anyone in the kitchen, no matter how experienced they are. Now put on your apron and let’s get started!


Cauliflower, Raw Cashews, Plant-Based Milk (like almond or soy milk), Nutritional yeast, Lemon juice, Garlic, Dijon Mustard, Onion powder, Salt, P, bread Crumbs (optional for topping), and Fresh Parsley for garnish. Don’t worry if you’re missing a few items – we’ll get creative with substitutions!

Preparing the Cauliflower

Now that we have all our ingredients at the ready, it’s time to prep the star of the show – the cauliflower! Start by giving it a good wash and removing any outer leaves. Then, chop the cauliflower into bite-sized florets. Think of it like chopping up little clouds of deliciousness!

Crafting the Creamy Cashew Cheese Sauce

Next up, we’ll work on creating the creamy cashew cheese sauce that will take this dish to the next level. In a blender, toss in those raw cashews along with your plant-based milk, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, minced garlic, Dijon mustard, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Blend it all together until you’ve got a smooth and velvety sauce that’s practically begging to be poured over your cauliflower.

Bringing It All Together

Now comes the fun part – assembling our cauliflower cheese masterpiece! Take those cauliflower florets and place them in a baking dish. Then, pour that luscious cashew cheese sauce all over them, making sure each floret gets a generous coating. If you’re feeling fancy, sprinkle some bread crumbs on top for a crispy finish.

Bake and Enjoy

Pop your baking dish into the oven and let the magic happen. After about 20 minutes, you’ll be greeted with a bubbling, golden brown masterpiece that smells absolutely heavenly. Let it cool for a minute or two, then garnish with some freshly chopped parsley for a burst of color and freshness. Now, sit back, relax, and indulge in a plate of creamy, cheesy goodness that’s completely guilt-free!


Here it is: a straightforward, approachable recipe for cashew-based vegan cauliflower cheese that will quickly become a mainstay in your kitchen. This dish is sure to please even the pickiest palates, regardless of your dietary preferences—vegan, vegetarian, or just trying to expand your repertoire of plant-based meals. So why hold off? Now get in the kitchen and enjoy the delights of cruelty-free comfort food!


Can I use frozen cauliflower instead of fresh?

Yes, you can absolutely use frozen cauliflower if that’s what you have on hand. Just be sure to thaw it out and pat it dry before using it in the recipe.

I don’t have nutritional yeast. Can I leave it out?

While nutritional yeast adds a cheesy flavor to the sauce, you can still make the recipe without it. Just be sure to adjust the seasonings to taste.

Can I use a different type of nut instead of cashews?

Cashews lend a creamy texture to the sauce, but feel free to experiment with other nuts like almonds or macadamia nuts if you prefer.

How long will leftovers keep?

Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Simply reheat in the microwave or oven before serving.

Is this recipe gluten-free?

Yes, this vegan cauliflower cheese with cashew recipe is gluten-free as long as you use gluten-free bread crumbs or omit them entirely.

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